Thursday, October 14, 2010

Neither Owner Nor Parent

I know this post is going to make me sound like some sort of bare feet having, peasant dress wearing, granola eating, incense burning hippie. I am writing it anyway.

I love animals. I have several I cohabitate with voluntarily. They live in comfortable accommodations with plenty of food and water. Most people would call those accommodations cages but I leave the doors open so they can come and go as they please.  Usually no one but the parakeet pleases and he doesn’t so much. They are my friends. I hope I rescued them from worse lives they may have had but I am not a fortune teller.

They are not my children. I am not their mother. They may rely on me for comfortable dwellings and sustenance but they did not choose to be domesticated.  I give them what I can because I love them. In return, they love me. They trust me. They know I am the least likely person to hurt them. Isn’t that who most of us try to end up with? Those we think are least likely to hurt us?

I don’t own them. They are living beings, with hopes and desires like any other. They have a life they wish to live. Who can own that? Sure, sometimes I need to be the alpha and show them the way in life but that does not grant me ownership. I don’t refer to them as “pets” because I believe that sounds pejorative.  I am their guardian and nothing more. We trade companionship. I think I have the best deal.

I get annoyed by people saying I am their “mom” or their “owner.” I love these beings. I would not insult them by pretending to be either. They are smart, entertaining and loveable in exchange for respect and a proper home.

I worry about people who say they are a pet mother, father or owner. Maybe they have issues with wanting to have children or feel a need to dominate. That is not their animal companion’s issue. Is it really fair for a person to place their issues on another being?  I don’t happen to believe because humans are the dominant race on this planet it gives us the right to subjugate all others. It is because we are the dominant race on this planet that we are better than that. 


  1. I support the view of certain states that have enacted legislation declaring people "guardians" of their pets. It makes them living creatures in need of care rather than pieces of property. Personally, I consider myself "mom" to my cat Sebastian, but to Dottie the guinea pig, I am her human. I am here to serve her needs!

  2. Thanks for reading, Amy! Despite how I feel about being called a parent to my companions that doesn't stop my significant other from referring to me as "Mama" when speaking with them. I think it's almost reflex.

    Speaking of my S.O., he advises you should give Dottie a treat as soon as you get home from work and speak with her enthusiastically. "Hello, Dottie! How was your day? What did you do all day, girl?" To be honest, it works for him. As soon as they hear him walk through the door, chaos breaks out because they all know they are getting a treat and a pat. I'm surprised we don't get calls from the neighbors when the windows are open. "Weeek, weeek, weeek, weeek, squawk, tweet, weeek weeeek!"

  3. Hi, Emma, I've been here quite a while reading, and really enjoy your insight. :)

    We call each other Mom and Dad to one another, because we are ridiculously enamoured of our ridiculous little dog. I doubt she knows the difference between our first names, our pseudo-names of Mom and Dad, or much else other than our tones of voice which usually tell her all she needs to know.

    I do know that the word "ball" in ANY tone of voice can induce almost rabid joy!

    I don't want you worrying unnecessarily, though, so thought I'd drop you a note to ease your mind. Your S.O. sounds a lot like us. I enjoyed my time here. I'll be back! :D

    P.S. I write about our ridiculous Mom/Dad names too. It's a blog about being Almost 60. Really!

  4. Thanks for reading Ms. Paula Lee! I've backed off my Mom/Dad stance in the intervening months since I wrote this post but still don't refer to my companions as my children or pets. I'm sure they don't care how I refer to them as long as I feed them. :)
    My friend Melissa refers to her companions as her "furbabies" and I've grown partial to that term. One thing I am certain of - I owe them much more for their companionship than I can ever give back to them.
